Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Dreaded Safeway Just Got A Little Better

If you follow me on facebook or twitter (@npbunting), or if you just have ever been to my local store, you know just how much I despise going to Safeway. Sorry to call you out again, Safeway, but I've called your customer service number before and made my complaint and things just don't get better. Despite the ridiculous lines and cashiers that insist on talking so long that time just crawls, I continue to shop there because the prices are just better. Somewhere in his conversation with me this morning, however, the cashier managed to make Safeway just a little bit better...Apparently you can log on to safeway.com and register coupons on your club card! More coupons for me?! Excellent!

1) Go to http://www.safeway.com/
2) Click on the "Just for U" button on the top left
3) Register for a new account and add your club card number
4) Go through the online coupons and add the ones you want!

I'm so excited about this!


  1. ACK, I hate the "Slow-way" for many reasons, and yet like you, I end up there because I like the produce and their sale prices are good. I have issues with their store coupons though... and a few weeks ago, they had signs everywhere that said, 30% off frozen food with $10 purchase, which I took to mean, any $10 purchased, but the cashier insisted it had to be $10 worth of frozen food purchased. Ugh. This e-coupon thing would excite me, if only they'd just open a self-check or two.

  2. Rumor has it that...wait for it...we're getting self checkout lanes!! Over where the Starbuks used to be. I overheard some cashiers talking about it!
