Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3 1/2 years have passed...

So 3 1/2 years has passed since my last blog post. To be honest, I had completely forgotten that I even started this thing. Reading my past entries though has been bittersweet, mostly because what I speak of being in fear of, has become a reality. 3 years ago, on February 24, 2009, my husband CPT Brian "Bubba" Bunting was killed by an IED while serving in Afghanistan. He had just been home for his 2 week R&R and had only days before arrived back in country and returned back on patrols. His visit home was amazing and we had some wonderful family pictures taken of us and our then 1 1/2 year old son. 4 days after learning of his death, my dream came true and I found out I was pregnant with our little R&R baby that we had wanted to conceive so badly. That little dream has now turned into a fiery red headed, spiting image of his daddy, 2 year old boy. Our older son is now 4.

Since Bubba's passing, I have mostly devoted my life to giving our children the best life possible. I bought an amazing home where the boys can run and play and just be boys. I also started a non-profit organization named Bubba's Belly Run that holds a 5K race in honor of my wonderful husband. To date, we have raised over $100,000. All of the proceds from our non-profit are dedicated to assisting other Gold Star families, families that have lost loved ones in war. My boys are thriving and doing wonderfully in all aspects of life. I do my best to create memories of their daddy and to ensure they know about their father and what an incredible man he was. I have also started dating again and have been in a great relationship for 1 year now. He is remarkable with the boys and they adore him. It's great for them to have an every day male role model in their lives and do the "boy" things together that I just can't seem to do. I have, however, learned all the names of every super hero, Thomas train car, and Rescue Hero out there, so I'm doing my best.

My real reason for coming back to my blog was to post activities that I'm working on and to share them on pinterest, however after reading my last posts, I realized that I need to catch everyone (all 0 readers) up on what's been going on for the past 3 years and why I'd taken some time away. Now to my pins...


  1. You are a brave, intelligent, multi-faceted woman!

  2. I'm so proud of you Nicki and so happy for you as well. I know it has been a long rough journey, but you are an amazing woman!! Know that even though I may not always comment on your stuff I'm here for you...cheering you on and lifting you up in prayer. I am on pinterest as well but have not really gotten very deep into it.... I'm sure that I will get addicted before too long...lol Love you hun! Andrea

  3. Welcome (back) to the blogosphere, neighbor! You might want to look into listing on BlogHer.com.
